
•July 2, 2009 • 1 Comment

Hello everyone.. I know I’m back after a long hiatus but what to do?? Had nothing interesting to write..

Well yes, the title of this blog will surely remind you of the American Presidential elections when President Barack Obama urged voters to vote for him as he would bring about change in America. A few months later we had the dance of democracy in our own country wherein the  Congress party swept in with a majority. It was good in many ways- finally the regressive Left is out and we have more useful and dashing personalities in the Cabinet after a long time.. One of these people is Kapil Sibal who has replaced the controversial Arjun Singh. I remember that as a medical student I had participated in a protest march against the ridiculously large percentage of reservation in professional courses. Not that anything happened.. Reservations are a painful reality. And not that Kapil Sibal is going to change it- political compulsions maybe. But yes- in the past couple of weeks he made the announcement to scrap the Standard X board exams and create a single board to regulate the schooling upto Std. XII in India. Kudos!! Finally something sensible.. For too long have we suffered under the cruel Std. X board exams which serve no purpose but to give you admission to a Stream and Junior college of your choice.  Unnecessary pressure and ridiculous hours of study for something that is not at all important. Its time that someone saw reason & decided to do something about the ludicrousness of the entire education system in this country. but as usual there are lots of opposers to the idea. And why won’t they oppose? They do hnot have to give the Std. X boards anyways! Unka kya jata hai.. Opposing will prove that that there is an “active” opposition- is what they feel.. Stupid? Yes. That is why our country is still a developing country.

It hasn’t rained at all in the month of June. Pune is suffering unprecedented water cuts. People conserve water!!! This is no time to go around bathing your pets. Its not that important!! Bathe using buckets instead of showers. Hopefully it will rain soon.

Oh yes, and a popular upcoming actor allegedly raped his maid. Maid? Yes! Why did he do that, if he actually did? The medical DNA reports prove that sexual intercourse has surely taken place between both of them. This actor is handsome, rich- he could get any girl he wanted! Why force yourself upon someone? That’s inhuman! Haven’t these guys been taught anything at all in schools and colleges? Oh right- they generally don’t study! Duh-How dumb of me. But really- if this crime has taken place then the severest punishment is a must to send out a strong signal- no one is above the law.

The Lieberhan commission submitted its outdated report a couple of days back. 17 long and painful years have passed. 17!!! Did the Justice know that it has been that long? Justice delayed is justice denied. But this report is just going to cause further fissues in the communal situation. Hopefully things will be alright.

For Everyone

•May 17, 2009 • Leave a Comment

Edward’s syndrome..Very inspiring..

•May 5, 2009 • 1 Comment

The positivity funda

•May 2, 2009 • Leave a Comment

Yes back with another post.. I’m bored you know nowadays..  Aren’t there days when you just doesn’t feel like doing anything- in my case it basically revolves around studying. And it is infact true that an idle mind is a devil’s workshop as I experienced recently. I was so bored that I lost focus of my real goals in life and started thinking of utterly ridiculous and silly things which seriously caused me to waste lot of time. I could have just watched television!!!

So I’ve begun this new positive attitude thingie.. The thing is that if one is positive all the time (or rather most of the time since ‘all the time’ would be highly improbable) outlook towards life also changes for the good. As one of my close friends said- its similar to the following analogy- if a student constantly keeps telling himself  “I’m gonna fail..I’m gonna fail” and in doing this, he/she wastes a lot of time in unnecessary worry when he/she  should actually be studying. So when the results are out and the person fails due to lack of study rather than the “intuition” of failing due to other unexplainable divine sort of factors he/she starts crying out loud saying ” See!! Didn’t I tell you that I would fail!!”   Moron.   Well as all my friends know my attitude is similar to this. And I have to change it.

Another thing that struck me is that we need to teach ourselves to be happy. I always used to think that happiness just exists- one doesn’t need to be taught to be happy. Well it turns out I was wrong. After being in frustrating situations and disappointing atmospheres for prolonged periods of time it becomes really tough for a person to look beyond anything that is sad or tragic and be happy. Happiness and peace- the two major things that elude us- especially when we try to find them in the most complex of places! A simple smile from the person you love can make your day. Isn’t that what happiness is? Contentment can come our own understanding of our abilities- Dream big and work towards achieving them. Simply dreaming and waiting for the Almighty to do all the dirty work for you isn’t gonna help! Hello??!! You got to get down and slog your a** off to truly understand the pleasure of success..

Moral of the story- Be positive guys! (though not HIV positive- panchat? I know..)

OK enough of the bhashan. By the way don’t you guys think that the IPL season is a bore.. I mean it was so much fun last year. I have realised one more thing- our news channels show us more ads than news (yes I know- its happy realization for me.) OK  I’m signing off now.. Ciao


•April 13, 2009 • 3 Comments

Yea yea I know, its been really long since I blogged. And I know that the title sounds too boring also. But someone told me that its time I started writing a
“Happy blog” after all the serious and non-commentable mess I have compulsorily subjected my friends into reading.

      Well one of my really close friens is visiting me tomorrow and I am so overjoyed!! He’s like a brother to me and I’m so looking forward to meeting him. Even though I talk to him everyday- but still meeting someone is different. I wonder what timepass we should do? Though he’s got a flight to catch tomorrow morning itself.  But I know I will still bug him to the core with my pesterings of how many girls did he marofy line on and all the other crap which my friends know I annoy them with.  I know that this dude is never gonna give me an answer that will make me smile coz he works his a** off all day long for people he doesn’t know and seriously lacks time to do all the stuff i tell him to pursue.  And I know he’s going to brush me off like a fly when I bug him.  Still he’s the best.

But even when someone is close to you it becomes hard at times to tell real deep dark secrets to them. You wonder if that person will start judging you even though deep down you know that they will not. I’m facing the same situation with this friend of mine.  He pesters me to tell him.  But I’m scared. Scared that if he knows my secrets maybe he’ll stop being my friend. Yeah- I know the usual saying- If he’s really a friend of mine then he will understand et al..  I do not want to take that risk.  Am I abnormal or something?? Sometimes I feel I am. And I’m sure some of my friends will vouch for it too!!! The idiots.  All the same I love all my friends and I feel that if they weren’t in my life then I would have been a nuttier case than I already am.  I would have been on the verge of serious depression and stupidity. They have always provided me with a cushion to soften my falls in life.

            Enough with the friends lecture. Now check out the following amazing pieces which another of my friends has composed.

Family, eh?

•March 26, 2009 • Leave a Comment

 Shame. What a shame. The word doesn’t even go to explain the horridness that man is capable of.  All of last week and this week we have been reading, listening and hearing the awful case of the father who abused his daughter for many years. And all apparently under the pretext of increasing his wealth as recommended by a demented tantrik.  And the worst part is that the mother had given her consent for the tantrik to do the same! How can that happen? As in just imagine the plight of that child who had to endure the hideousness inflicted by the very people who are supposed to look after her every need.

                      For the past few days I have been observing an old woman lying in the compound of a local government hospital. She is too frail and in such a bad shape that one cannot but have pity for her. Then yesterday I saw another female who was lying inside the compund and I thought she was dead.  I asked one of my frineds who used to work there whereupon I was informed that the woman wasn’t dead and that she would be brought in the hospital frequently with all sorts of ailments- with maggots and other worse things.  Another friend of mine told me that the sad part is that such old persons are mostly those who have been abandoned by their kin and have nowhere to go and no way of sustaining themselves. It was such a sad thing to hear.  Have we become so inhuman that we do not even care for our own kith and kin??  When I think about it, I did not stop to help either of the women, did I? Have we become so immune to the suffering of our fellow human beings? 

                 If  you follow a reality show on a prominent action channel on television where the contestants race around the world,  just last week they came to India.  One of the contestants saw a few street kids eating garbage and just broke into tears because he had never actually seen such a thing! What would yours and mine reaction be if tomorrow morning on the way to college or to work we see a kid eating garbage? In all probability we won’t even give it a second glance.  When did we all develop such a thick skin??

              And here we have our leaders who seem not to even notice such suffering. How will they, until they stop stupid and idiotic bickerings about issues that don’t even matter to majority of the people.  People want to fill their stomachs at the end of the day. They frankly are not interested in chopping off peoples hands or protest about religion. They want food.  And inspite of having surplus in agricultural production we still aren’t able to feed our people?!!! Rats are having a better life in those godowns aren’t they?

                  In one of my earlier posts I had written about the importance of voting in this election. But then at times I feel what is the use? The political parties have put up the same people who for the past so many years haven’t done anything to change the situation.  How can we vote for change when the candidates themselves haven’t changed??!!

                    Shame on us..  Shame on our inhumanity. And shame to our inability to do anything about the situation.

The week that wasn’t

•March 23, 2009 • 1 Comment

                 This week had loads of news isn’t it?  But all of it was crap.. We had a budding new politico who allegedly wants to cut off hands while his mother goes around wanting to protect the lives innocent animals. Yes- the truth is that animals are more important and valuable to society at large than humans you see..  And at the end of it what is the point?  This guy is a graduate from the London School of Economics but wishes earnestly to be a butcher.  Recession has changed career priorities for Indians. The EC has “severely” censured him.. but as it turns out he will in all probability contest the elections and win too. Only the courts can debar him from contesting but by the time his case actually comes up for hearing it’ll be the turn of his progeny to maybe make similar statements in election rallies. Too disillusioning.

                   The IPL is shifting abroad.  Reverse outsourcing? I guess so. They want to create more job opportunities in the Western world you see. Noble intentions actually.  And yes they want the IPL to be more civilized too- as in they want only limited crowds.. the silence broken only when a player actually appeals for a wicket to the umpire. How exciting, isn’t it?   But seriously, is it so tough for our country to handle two events at the same time?  We have so many people in this country- still we can’t have enough people for security purposes? Very very sad. I’m personally very disappointed that the IPL is moving out.

                     Jade Goody expired. Another sad story. 27 is too young to die. The heart cries out for her sons the eldest of whom is just 5.

                   All in all the week was full of bad news.  But after darkness there is always light.


•March 15, 2009 • 1 Comment

                 There was a protest yesterday.. There is always a protest. This time it was over the installation of a statue of Charlie Chaplin for a movie shooting. The protest is supposedly because Chaplin was a Christian and the statue is gonna be installed near a Hindu temple.  Sounds utterly stupid doesnt it??  What does Chaplin’s religion have to do with his statue being installed that too for a movie!!!

                   This is exactly what is wrong in our country. Aren’t there more important and pressing issues in our country? ? There are millions of Indians who live on less than $1 a day.. There are those farmers in Vidharbha who take the drastic step of taking their lives.. There are millions of unemployed youth.. and here we are protesting over a statue of Chaplin!! When will our politicians rise over seemingly silly reasons like a statue and Valentine’s day? Is that even important??? It is precisely because of these reasons aggravated by mindless reservation policies that the brightest youth of our country fly off to foreign shores where their talent is actually valued. If our country doesnt give preference to its own future then there seems no point at all, does it?

                      But I guess it is our fault after all.  In this coming general election the youth aged 20-29 years make up approximately 20 % of the total electorate! 20 % !  Its a huge number.  Its time that we take our future into our own hands and make this country shine like never before.  Its time that we elect politicians not on the basis of their caste or general political affiliations but on the basis of their work and their qualifications and their efforts to bring about a change in this society.  If you have a look at the number of MP’s with graduate degrees, it is a shamefully dismal number. For the world’s 2nd most populous nation to have such figures its really a matter of concern. Young charismatic role model leaders are conspicuously missing from our political scene.

                    Why then do we ask about brain-drain?? Today people say that reverse brain-drain is on the rise as a result of this recession. But just wait a year or two – once this recession tides away there is once again going to be a humungous outflow of brilliant minds abroad. Is the atmosphere even conducive for youngsters to pursue their dreams? There is a flawed reservation policy which successfully manages to deny the best minds with higher education.  We are so fed up that the “chalta hai” attitude also doesnt seem scandalous anymore.

                   Its time. Time to make a difference. Time to vote for our future.

Clofu- food for thought..Hmmm..

•March 14, 2009 • 1 Comment

                     I had to write about this.. When I read today’s paper this article really stood out. Apparently some people want to make tofu out of George Clooney’s sweat!!! Yes- his sweat… Hence the name “Clofu”.

                    Can tofu be made out of sweat?  I did not know that!!  Poor general knowledge I think. And why would someone even want to eat it? As in, just imagine putting that fluid mixed with all the dirt on his body plus God knows what other things in your mouth!! Truly truly disgusting..  But I think the girls are more than happy..  Why would’nt they want a part of Goerge Clooney even though its his sweat, right?  I think not. All in all an utterly disgusting idea according to me.

                    Harvard University rejected my application today. Don’t know what to feel. I guess I knew I would be rejected.  Maybe having a more “Legally Blonde” profile would have secured me a seat there..  Lol! Well this post was crappier than the others but feel free to comment.


•March 12, 2009 • 4 Comments

                  Most of us need our newspaper the first thing in the morning with a cup of chai in our hands. I happen to be one of these people. Well I receive a widely circulated national daily which also provides a supplement for simply local news.. Now here is d interesting part – this supplement features a column solving sex queries which people have. And boy are people really stupid! There was this guy who wrote in saying that he gives his privates small electric shocks for self gratification!!! Common dude!! Who does that?? Don’t you get scared? (And to be really cheeky) think bout the social aspect of this endeavour – millions of villages in this impoverished country of ours  do not have electricity n this dude wastes it on his privates? Selfish b*****d.

                  Then there’s another fellow saying that since his girlfriend has undergone a couple of abortions he will now start using protection.. How dense can someone get?? Do you need this thing to happen twice to realise that its finally time to be a bit wiser?

                  One such query really cracked me up.. Apparently this dude did not find the condom size he was looking for!! All those in the market were small.  Really- gimme a break! Its not happening.

                 See how truly jobless I am. I’m 23, single and unemployed. I have to amuse myself to stop loathing in self-pity. Sorry if this blog has been offensive to anyone. Not intended.